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Category: Data

Description: Full dataset, R code, and supplementary material (model output, individual vowel space plots, poster presented at ICPhS XX) for Chang, Tang, and Nevins (2023, "Individual differences in vowel compactness persist under intoxication across first and second languages", Proceedings of ICPhS XX). The dataset is provided in two files in comma-separated values format (.csv): ChangTangNevins_bytokendata.csv provides the by-token acoustic data, and ChangTangNevins_vowelareas.csv, the vowel area data. A key explaining each column of the .csv files is provided in the wiki below. The R code used for all analyses and visualizations included in the paper is also provided. Supplementary material is provided as PDF files.

License: CC-By Attribution 4.0 International


Description of variables in ChangTangNevins_bytokendata.csv (if the variable is referred to by a different name in the paper, the name in the paper is provided in parentheses):

  • Phone: target phone (vowel) represented by current token, transcribed according to labels used in forced alignment
  • Word: word in which token occurred, transcribed orthographically
  • Utterance: utterance ID
  • PStart: start time…


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acoustic phoneticsalcoholalcohol intoxicationbilingualismbilingualsbilingual speechcompactnessEnglishGermanindividual differencesintoxicationKoreanL2 speechphoneticssecond language acquisitionspeechspeech productionvowel compactnessvowels

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