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## Oxford MM templates ## We constructed a multimodal template from UK Biobank individuals in the 50-55 year age range, the Oxford-MM-1 (OMM-1), and one multimodal age-dependent template (ADT) for each year in the 45-81 age range. All templates are fully unbiased with respect to shape and internal consistency is ensured by jointly informing the construction process with T1, T2-FLAIR and DTI data. ADTs were derived with a Gaussian Process (GP), which models the change in average brain shape with age in 37,330 individuals. Although it may be sufficient to simply use the OMM-1 directly for different study populations, we provide the GP-derived spatial mapping (deformation field) between the OMM-1 and each ADT. Should the use of an ADT be preferred (e.g., the 80 year ADT for an older population study), then our template provides a natural way to compare results with those from other studies using the generic OMM-1, as well as making atlases defined in generic OMM-1 space available in any ADT. More information about the templates can be found in the respective sub-projects. All templates found here are also available on Gitlab: OMM-1: OMM-1 ADTs: Our general pipeline for cross-sectional template construction can be downloaded from Gitlab: ### Oxford-MM-1 ### Online viewer (Firefox, or Google Chrome recommended): ![Oxford-MM-1 T1, T2 FLAIR, and DTI volumes][1]*Oxford-MM-1 T1, T2 FLAIR, and DTI volumes* ![Oxford-MM-1 T2 FLAIR overlayed with DTI volume][2]*Oxford-MM-1 T2 FLAIR overlayed with DTI volume* Version 1 of our multimodal asymmetric template with its T1, T2 FLAIR and DTI volumes. It was constructed from **240 UK Biobank individuals uniformly sampled from the age range 50-55 years (50% female/male)**. We believe a template from this age range will be useful for a wealth of studies. Note that the template was **rigidly transformed to MNI space** to capture the population’s average brain shape and size, and avoid the introduction of unrepresentative scaling effects. When using this template please cite:<br> **Arthofer, C., Smith, S.M., Jenkinson, M., Andersson, J., Lange, F. Multimodal MRI template construction from UK Biobank: Oxford-MM-0. (2021). Organisation for Human Brain Mapping (OHBM)** [1]: [2]: ### Oxford-MM-1 Age-Dependent Templates (ADTs) ### ![Oxford-MM-1 ADTs shown in steps of 5 years - rows from top to bottom show the T1, T2-FLAIR, and DTI volumes, V1 transparancy-modulated by FA overlayed on the T2-FLAIR and a zoomed-in part, the log-Jacobian determinant map showing the corresponding distortion with respect to the OMM-1][3]*Oxford-MM-1 ADTs shown in steps of 5 years - rows from top to bottom show the T1, T2-FLAIR, and DTI volumes, V1 transparancy-modulated by FA overlayed on the T2-FLAIR and a zoomed-in part, the log-Jacobian determinant map showing the corresponding distortion with respect to the OMM-1* ADTs associated with the OMM-1 contain the same volumes (T1, T2-FLAIR, DTI), which were also used to drive their construction. The imaging data from 37,330 UK Biobank individuals was used for modelling the change with age using a GP. Please see the sub-project for more information. When using these templates please cite:<br> **Arthofer, C., Smith, S.M., Douaud, G., Bartsch, A., Andersson, J., Lange, F. Age-dependent multimodal MRI template construction from UK Biobank, (2022). 28th Annual Meeting of the Organisation for Human Brain Mapping (OHBM)** **Arthofer, C., Smith, S.M., Douaud, G., Bartsch, A., Andersson, J., Lange, F. Assessing the impact of age-specific template selection on spatial normalization. (2023). 29th Annual Meeting of the Organisation for Human Brain Mapping (OHBM)** [3]: DOI 10.17605/OSF.IO/S9GE4 Copyright, 2022, University of Oxford. All rights reserved
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