#### **Analysis** ####
**In this space you can include materials related to the analysis of your data collected during the experiment process.**
Consider including such items as:
- Software code used to run certain types of analysis (you can add in a folder from your Github account if you'd like)
- Aggregated data sets based on your raw materials
- Charts, graphs, and other visuals
- Documents that define specific analytic terms and any study constraints
- Notes related to the analysis portion of your study
**Remember to make sure that all data and related materials connected to the OSF must not contain any personally identifiable information or personal health information. This includes JHBox and other connected third-party storage services.**
If you'd like to learn how to utilize a third-party service add-on such as Github for your files see: **<a href="http://help.osf.io/m/addons">Using Add-ons</a>** for a step-by-step guide.
For more detailed information about using the OSF interface, or to ask further questions about using the template as a Lab Notebook, please contact us at <a href="mailto:huajinw@cmu.edu"> huajinw@cmu.edu</a> or <a href="mailto:mgainey@andrew.cmu.edu"> mgainey@andrew.cmu.edu</a>. <br>
Additionally OSF tutorials, instructions, and support contacts are available at <a href="http://help.osf.io/">OSF Guides</a>.