00:00:00 Introduction (Manuel Spitschan, University of Oxford)
Talk 1: "Sex bias in preclinical research, why it exists
and how to drive change" (Natasha Karp, AstraZeneca)
00:02:31 Introduction
00:03:21 Talk
00:28:15 Q&A
Talk 2: "Sex as a biological variable: introducing policy at BJP" (Amrita Ahluwalia, Queen Mary University of London)
00:32:30 Introduction
00:33:40 Talk
00:56:20 Q&A
01:02:56 Interactive workshop (Lilian Hunt, EDIS)
**Other versions**
This video is identical to the [YouTube version][6].
**Funding information**
This project and workshop series is funded through a [Wellcome Trust][1] Research Enrichment Diversity & Inclusion grant (204686/Z/16/A).
**Organising committee**
- Manuel Spitschan, University of Oxford ([0000-0002-8572-9268][2])
- Nayantara Santhi, Northumbria University ([0000-0003-4568-1447][3])
- Ines Pineda Torra, University of College London ([0000-0002-7349-2208][4])
- Lilian Hunt, Equality, Diversity & Inclusion in Science and Health (EDIS) ([0000-0002-0319-7764][5])
[1]: http://wellcome.ac.uk
[2]: https://orcid.org/0000-0002-8572-9268
[3]: https://orcid.org/0000-0003-4568-1447
[4]: https://orcid.org/0000-0002-7349-2208
[5]: https://orcid.org/0000-0002-0319-7764
[6]: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=JV2NRCrEdUE