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Perceived teacher stereotypes, teaching quality, and school adjustment among ethnic majority and minority adolescents in PISA 2018
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Description: In times of increasing migration, classrooms in many countries, including Germany, comprise students with different cultural affiliations, ethnicities, and migration histories. A central task of teachers in this context is to ensure equal educational opportunities for all students (Kultusministerkonferenz, 2013). However, despite this goal, cultural or ethnic minority students and students of immigrant descent show lower academic achievement than their cultural or ethnic majority or non-immigrant descent peers (Autorengruppe Bildungsberichterstattung, 2016; Henschel et al., 2019, 2022; SVR-Forschungsbereich, 2020), with variations depending on students’ immigrant generation and cultural/ethnic group membership (Henschel et al., 2019, 2022; Kristen & Granato, 2007; SVR-Forschungsbereich, 2020). In educational research and educational policy discourses, educational disparities are often attributed to factors within the students and their families, such as socioeconomic status or language skills, which are expected to be the main driver of lower academic success of immigrant descent students (Hadjar & Scharf, 2019). However, teacher beliefs (e.g., endorsement of stereotypes) and teaching quality (e.g., classroom management, individual learning support, cognitive activation) also need to be considered to be able to explain and reduce educational inequalities. With the proposed study, we therefore aim to investigate students’ perceptions of teacher beliefs (e.g., endorsement of stereotypes) and teaching quality (e.g., classroom management, individual learning support, cognitive activation), as well as associations between these perceptions and students’ academic adjustment.
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