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  1. Krishna Chaitanya
  2. Prateek Purwar

Date created: 2017-03-13 04:21 PM | Last Updated: 2023-12-12 01:43 PM

Category: Project

Description: Face-to-face interactions are important for a variety of individual behaviors and outcomes. In recent years a number of human sensor technologies have been proposed to incorporate direct observations in behavioral studies of face-to-face interactions. One of the most promising emerging technologies are active Radio Frequency Identification (RFID) badges. They are increasingly applied in behavioral studies because of their low costs, straightforward applicability, and moderate ethical concerns. However, de- spite the attention that RFID badges have recently received, there is a lack of systematic tests on how valid RFID badges are in measuring face-to-face interaction. With two studies we aim to fill this gap. Study 1 (N = 11) compares how data assessed with RFID badges correspond with video data of the same interactions (construct validity) and how this fit can be improved using straightforward data processing strategies. The analyses show that the RFID badges have a sensitivity of 50% that can be enhanced to 65% when flickering signals with gaps of less than 75 seconds are interpolated. The specificity is relatively less affected by this interpolation process (before interpolation 97%, after interpolation 94.7%) – resulting in an improved accuracy of the measurement. In Study 2 (N = 73) we show that self-report data of social interactions correspond highly with data gathered with the RFID badges (criterion validity).

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RFIDsocial interactionsocial networksvalidity

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