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Description: Historic places in Florida are at risk from impacts of the climate crisis. These threats include erosion, storm surge, and increased storms. On top of these documented impacts, sea level is rising 20% faster in Florida than the global average. Within this century, thousands of cultural resources including historic structures, archaeological sites, cemeteries, and shipwrecks will be impacted, many of which are nationally significant. We may not be able to stop the destruction of all archaeological sites in Florida, but we can document and describe site loss as it happens. In 2019, the Florida Public Archaeology Network, a statewide organization dedicated to engaging the public with Florida’s buried past, received Special Category grant funds from the Division of Historical Resources to work with the public to monitor heritage sites across the state. The documents here are the report, deliverables, and data that are publicly accessible as a result of the project, Heritage Monitoring Scouts: Assessing Archaeological Sites at Risk 1A-46 Final Report - Special Category Grant Number


Helpful Links associated with the project:

Heritage Monitoring Scout Florida Homepage

HMS Arches Portal

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ArchaeologyClimate ChangeFlorida

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