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This is the OSF site of the ManyBabies project. If you are interested in the project in general, consider signing up for the ManyBabies listserv (, and read the ManyBabies theory paper, in which we discuss why collaborative data collection in Infancy research is important.

Project directory

ManyBabies 1: Infant Directed Speech Preference

ManyBabies 2: Theory of Mind i…


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A collaborative approach to infant research: Promoting reproducibility, best practices, and theory-building

The ideal of scientific progress is that we accumulate measurements and integrate these into theory, but recent discussion of replicability issues has...

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ManyBabies 1: Infant-Directed Speech Preference

The first ManyBabies study

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ManyBabies1B - A multi-lab study of bilingual infants: Exploring the preference for infant-directed speech

From the earliest months of life, infants prefer listening to and learn better from infant-directed speech (IDS) than adult-directed speech (ADS). Yet...

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ManyBabies 2: Infant Theory of Mind

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ICIS 2018 Talks

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2019 SRCD Talks

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Many babies 3 rule learning

Many Babies is a multi-lab replication effort to study the robustness of oft-cited and cornerstone findings in infancy research. Many Babies 3 seeks t...

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2020 vICIS talks

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ManyBabies commentary Yarkoni

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Grant: Building large-scale collaborative networks in infant and behavioral research (SSHRC Partnership Development Grant to ManyBabies)

These are the proposal documents for the grant entitled "Building large-scale collaborative networks in infant and behavioral research" which was succ...

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2022 ICIS Posters

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