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Included here is the research data for the journal article Ghaphery, J. and White, E. (2012) "Library use of web-based research guides" *Information Technology and Libraries* DOI: [10.6017/ital.v31i1.1830][1] Included are three public files 1. [libguides_north_american_arl.csv] Survey of North American Association of Research Libraries' web pages for use of research guides. Data was compiled by visiting these websites March 3-8, 2011, and coded for analysis. Presence of course guides, research guides, and LibGuides platform was noted. For LibGuides sites, count of guides and authors was recorded. 2. [libguides_survey_results.csv] Survey of librarians about the use of research guides. Data for public view has been redacted such that identities of research institutions is not included. Research institution identity was used for deduplicating responses. Survey results 4/19/2011 to 5/2/2011. 3. [libguides_survey_questions.pdf] Survey Questions. [1]:
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