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Language attitudes, practices, and concerns of bi-/multilingual families raising infants and toddlers  /

Date created: 2023-04-25 07:32 AM | Last Updated: 2025-03-07 12:56 PM

Identifier: DOI 10.17605/OSF.IO/RJEYH

Category: Project

Description: This component focuses on the relationship between parental attitudes and ideologies with regard to childhood multilingualism. It presents a corpus-assisted discourse study of qualitative data and compares the findings to those from the analysis of quantitative data elicited with the same questionnaire. Based on a selection of questionnaire items from the overall project "Language attitudes, practices, and concerns of bi-/multilingual families raising infants and toddlers", this component aims to answer the following research questions – RQ1: Do the dimensions of attitudes towards childhood multilingualism that emerged from the quantitative data (i.e., status, solidarity, and cognitive development) also emerge as ideological themes from the qualitative data? RQ2: Are there additional ideological themes that emerge from the qualitative data? RQ3: Are there differences between the themes that emerge from the qualitative data in the HL-transmitting parents’ corpora and the non-HL-transmitting parents’ corpora? More information can be found in the document "Attitudes & Ideologies Paper - Background, RQs, Hypotheses, Data Analysis Plan".

License: CC-By Attribution 4.0 International

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attitudesbilingualismfamily language policyheritage languagesideologiesinfantsminority languagesmultilingual developmentmultilingualismQuebectoddlers

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