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Many Labs 5: Testing pre-data collection peer review as an intervention to increase replicability /
ML5: Replications of Foerster et al. (2008)
- Hans IJzerman
- Ivan Ropovik
- Charles R. Ebersole
- Natasha Tidwell
- Łukasz Markiewicz
- Tiago Jessé Souza de Lima
- Daniel Wolf
- Sarah Novak
- W. Matthew Collins
- Madhavi Menon
- Luana Elayne Cunha de Souza
- Przemysław Sawicki
- Leanne Boucher
- Michał Białek
- Katarzyna Idzikowska
- Timothy Razza
- Sue Kraus
- Sophia C. Weissgerber
- Gabriel Baník
- Sabina Kołodziej
- Peter Babincak
- Astrid Schütz
- Weylin Sternglanz
- Katarzyna Gawryluk
- Gavin Brent Sullivan
- Christopher Day
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Category: Project
This is the project page of the replication of Förster et al. (2008).
Project Abstract: To test their Global/Local Processing Style model, Förster, Liberman, and Kuschel (2008) found that after priming a concept (such as “aggressive”), people assimilate that concept into their social judgments after a “global” prime (e.g., rate a person as being more aggressive compared to a no prime condition), o…
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