This is a repository for:
> Ranellucci, J., Rosenberg, J. M., & Poitras, E. (accepted registered report). Exploring pre-service teachers’ use of technology: The technology acceptance model and expectancy-value theory. Journal of Computer Assisted Learning.
## Stage 1
You can read the Stage 1 (which contains information through the method section - but not any results or discussion) manuscript here:
The results of our power analysis are available in an R Markdown file here:
## Stage 2
The final analyses ran for Stage 2 (which contains the results and discussion) is available in the following two files:
- [tam-evt-final-analysis.Rmd]( (this is the RMarkdown file which can be used to run the analyses)
- [tam-evt-final-analysis.html]( (this is the rendered results file which can be viewed in a browser)
## Data
Please contact [John Ranellucci]( to request the data used in this study.
## Miscellaneous
Possibly useful resources:
- On deviations from pre-registrations: