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These are data for for Bein et al., 2020, NatComms (accepted): *Mnemonic prediciton errors bias hippocampal states* #### read here for explanation about the data Relevant code is abvailable on: * This is a reanalysis of data previously published in Duncan et al., 2012, Hippocampus: *Evidence for Area CA1 as a Match/Mismatch Detector: A High-Resolution fMRI Study of the Human Hippocampus".* * In the ms, s020 was removed from analysis due to entorhinal dropout. I uploaded their data, because no reason not to use if analyzing other ROIs. * LSS models are the models of the single-trials, in line with Mumford et al. 2014, NI. ## Explanation about the data: #### In each subject folder you'll find: 1. data: the raw epi scans files, mtc means motion corrected, slice timing corrected, and that the first 5 volumes collected were removed. ps: percent signal change. all runs are already aligned. 2. single_trial_Tmaps: I used single trials t-stats for the analysis. If you want to use these - they are in this folder. No need to run the LSS models again :) each trial had a cue part and an image part. tstat_cue is for the cue part, tstat_Im is for the image part. these are not divided by runs, they are numbered by the number of trial in the experiment 3. mprage folder: this has the mprage T1-weighted anatomical scan of each participant 4. regressors: these are the regressors I used to run the LSS models. Use them if you want to run the LSS models yourself. 5. ROIs: all rois are already in the epi's space. The hip15... file includes all hipp subfields: R hipp: 1 is CA1, 3 is CA2/3/dentate, 2 is subiculum. L hipp: 4 is CA1, 6 is CA2/3/dentate, 5 is subiculum. The entorhinal files: I masked the entorhinal with the epi to only look at voxels that have BOLD signal. I put here both the files before and after masking. 6. behavior: this is the behavioral file of each participant. see my paper and KD 2012 paper for task description. subject reposnese: 8 – match 9 – mismatch in the column that has e.g., R1I2 R-room, I-item, the number next to them is how many changes there were to the layout (room), or to the furniture (item). R1I2 means that there was 1 change to the layout (swap of furniture) and 2 changes to items identity (items themselves were replaced with other items).
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