Main content A novel collaborative approach for EEG personality neuroscience research /
- André Beauducel
- Juergen Hennig
- Johannes Hewig
- Andrea Hildebrandt
- Kai Härpfer
- Corinna Kührt
- Leon Lange
- Erik Mueller
- Aisha Munk
- Roman Osinsky
- Katharina Paul
- Hannes Per Carsten
- Elisa Porth
- Anja Riesel
- Johannes Rodrigues
- Lena Rommerskirchen
- Christoph Scheffel
- Cassie Short
- Jutta Stahl
- Alexander Strobel
- Jan Wacker
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Components A novel collaborative approach for EEG personality neuroscience research
| Registered: 2021-06-16 17:10 UTC
This preregistration contains the general information on the project, while specifics to the individual hypotheses are registered separately. The file...
The Association of REWP With Depressive Symptoms/Anhedonia
| Registered: 2021-06-17 19:14 UTC
Preregistration of Hypothesis in the CoScience Project.
Predictors of LPP-Responses to Erotic Stimuli: Sex and Phases of the Menstrual Cycle
| Registered: 2021-06-17 19:14 UTC
Preregistration of Hypothesis in the CoScience Project.
Investigating Perfectionism and Error Processing by using Multivariate Pattern Classification and the Novel Gamma Model Approach
| Registered: 2021-06-21 15:15 UTC
Preregistration of Hypothesis in the CoScience Project.
Association Between Resting Frontal EEG Alpha Asymmetry and Personality: Moderation by Experimenter Sex and Attractiveness
| Registered: 2021-06-17 19:14 UTC
Preregistration of Hypothesis in the CoScience Project.
Frontal Alpha Asymmetry as a Marker of Approach Motivation?
| Registered: 2021-06-17 19:14 UTC
Preregistration of Hypothesis in the CoScience Project.
Strong Reciprocity or Status Defense?
| Registered: 2021-09-13 17:10 UTC
Preregistration of Hypothesis in the CoScience Project.
Fairness Modulates ACC Activity (FRN/Theta) in an Ultimatum Game
| Registered: 2021-06-17 19:12 UTC
Preregistration of Hypothesis in the CoScience Project.
CEI Modulation of Effort Discounting and Resource Allocation
| Registered: 2021-06-17 19:15 UTC
Preregistration of Hypothesis in the CoScience Project.
Dispositional Anxiety and its Relation to the N2 in Differently Demanding Situations
| Registered: 2021-06-17 19:15 UTC
Preregistration of Hypothesis in the CoScience Project.
Feedback Triggered Corticocardiac Coupling in Anxious Individuals
| Registered: 2021-06-17 19:16 UTC
Preregistration of Hypothesis in the CoScience Project.
Dispositional Anxiety, Social Evaluation and their Relation to the Error Related Negativity (ERN)
| Registered: 2021-06-17 19:12 UTC
Preregistration of Hypothesis in the CoScience Project.
The interrelations of Fairness, Feedback, Behavior, and Midfrontal EEG Activation Depend on Variations in EEG-Reference Scheme and EEG-Signal Quantification Method. Measurement of Midfrontal EEG Activation
| Registered: 2021-06-17 19:13 UTC
Preregistration of Hypothesis in the CoScience Project.
Is Spatiotemporal Complexity of Resting-State EEG associated with Fluid Intelligence? A Replication Study
| Registered: 2021-12-16 11:39 UTC
Using the data collected in the CoScience Project,, we aim to (conceptually) replicate and extend a previous study by Dreszer et...
| Registered: 2022-07-12 09:56 UTC
Amendment to previous preregistration.
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