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The Basel-Berlin Risk Study
- Renato Frey
- Andreas Pedroni
- Ralph Hertwig
- Jörg Rieskamp
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Category: Data
Description: This is the dataset of the Basel-Berlin Risk Study (SNSF CRSII1_136227). The original results are published in Frey, Pedroni, Mata, Rieskamp, and Hertwig (2017) and in Pedroni, Frey, Bruhin, Dutilh, Hertwig, and Rieskamp (2017). Please cite these papers when using this dataset (full references are provided below). To avoid potential overlaps, we suggest contacting us before starting a new project because further subprojects are currently in progress.
Key references
Frey, R., Pedroni, A., Mata, R., Rieskamp, J., & Hertwig, R. (2017). Risk preference shares the psychometric structure of major psychological traits. Science Advances, 3, e1701381. Online | PDF
Pedroni, A., Frey, R., Bruhin, A., Dutilh, G., Hertwig, R., & Rieskamp, J. (2017). The risk elicitation puzzle. Nature Human Behaviour. Online
Note: Frey et al. (2017) report psychometric mod…
Frey, Pedroni, Mata, Rieskamp, and Hertwig (2017)
These are the R-scripts for the analyses reported in Frey, Pedroni, Mata, Rieskamp, and Hertwig (2017). Too see the full dataset of the Basel-Berlin R...
Lejarraga, Frey, Schnitzlein, and Hertwig (2019)
These are the R-scripts for the analyses reported in Lejarraga, Frey, Schnitzlein, and Hertwig (2019). Too see the full dataset of the Basel-Berlin Ri...
A Prospect Theory Account of the “Hot” Columbia Card Task
The investigation of decisions under risk has mainly followed one of two approaches.
One relies on observing choices between lotteries in which econom...
Tisdall et al. (2020)
These are the scripts for the analyses reported in Tisdall, Frey, Horn, Ostwald, Horvath, Pedroni, Rieskamp, Blankenburg, Hertwig, & Mata (2020).
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