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Overview -------- This site is associated with the paper > Winawer J, Witthoft N, Frank M , Wu L, Wade A, Boroditsky L. (2007) > The Russian Blues reveal effects of language on color discrimination. > Proceedings of the National Academy of Science, 104:7780-7785. > doi:[10.1073/pnas.0701644104][1] The site contains software for running the experiment, data that went into the publication, and various notes and other files. Software -------- The experiment was written in the Mac OS-9 graphical user interface package [Psyscope]( The PsyScope developers have since been ported the program to OSX. On November, 7, 2019, JW downloaded and successfully tested the software linked below on an Apple iMac computer running Mac OS 10.14.6. To run the experiment, you need the software package (#1 below) and the experiment folder including the script and stim files (#2 below) 1. PsyScope software package: 2. PsyScope experiment script and stim files: Data ---- Analysis ---- [GitHub repository]( Stimuli and calibration ---- The experiment was run on an [Apple iMac G3 computer](, with a 1024 x 768 pixel resolution on a 15-inch (13.8-inch viewable) shadow-mask CRT screen. [1]:
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