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Category: Other

Description: This work package will improve the reliability and accessibility of methods in behavioural research, incorporating ontologies, robust frameworks, causal models, and tools for effective data integration and visualization. These efforts are geared towards enhancing decision making based on sound behavioural science methodologies.

License: CC-By Attribution 4.0 International


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Demo Project 2: Examining the Effect of Statistical, Anecdotal, and Combined Evidence on Belief in Policy Effectiveness, Policy Support, and Evidence Evaluation: A Mixed-Method Experiment

This project aims to expand on research showing that communicating evidence on policy effectiveness can increase policy support via belief updating

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Demo Project 5: Behavioural interventions to reduce speed behaviour in car drivers

This project aims to update evidence on the most influential motivational and capability influences of speeding behaviour and assess the efficacy of i...

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WP3.5: Research on researchers

Please insert a brief overview overview of the project (1-2 senetences)

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