**This contest is now closed, please check back Feb 1 for a new contest**
The December 2023 R Contest will use Flight Data from Kaggle.com. Given the holiday season is upon us, many will be traveling, so let's take a look at flight satisfaction! The prompts for this contest can be accessed [here][1]. The CSV file is [here][2].
Entries will be accepted until December 31st latest timezone on earth. The entry form is available [here][3].
Click [here][4] to see Kelly's code. Note that this is just one potential way to answer the prompts.
**Please note: The R contest will pause for the month of January and resume February 2024.**
[1]: https://osf.io/x25df
[2]: https://osf.io/k8a7h
[3]: https://forms.gle/KR2ov7wegkLa9mhW7
[4]: https://osf.io/74dcp