A detailed description can be found in our protocol paper ([Popp et al., 2021][1]).
*Aim of the study*
This study aims to evaluate the transfer of cooperative planning, a co-creation strategy, into new settings and to explore related key determinants.
*Intervention strategy*
Cooperative planning was utilised to target physical activity promotion in three German real-world settings in the sectors of nursing care and automotive mechatronics, involving researchers, practitioners, and policymakers who conjointly develop new measures for physical activity promotion. A logic model generated for this co-creation process describes the underlying assumptions and guides the evaluation.
*Study design and methods*
Following principles of a pragmatic evaluation, this study uses a mixed methods design to evaluate the transfer of cooperative planning and its determinants across three different settings. Quantitative and qualitative data is collected via questionnaires, documents, and interviews.
The research network [Capital4Health][2] and the associated subproject [PArC-AVE][3], in which the study is conducted, are funded by the German Federal Ministry of Education and Research [grant number 01EL1821A].
[1]: https://health-policy-systems.biomedcentral.com/articles/10.1186/s12961-021-00699-w
[2]: http://www.capital4health.de/en
[3]: https://parc-ave.capital4health.de/en/