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  1. Kristy Greenwalt
  2. Danilo Pelletiere
  3. Dena Hasan

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Category: Project

Description: A single missed rent payment can sometimes mean the difference between stable housing and homelessness. In 2017, the DC Department of Human Services (DHS) began a pilot program that gives families a flexible source of funds to help cover housing costs. We are testing whether the program’s flexible nature has an impact on homelessness, housing instability, and economic well-being. We expect the results to inform decisions about the design and expansion of this pilot and whether to bring more flexibility to other existing housing assistance programs.


Contact Us:

Sam Quinney, Donald Braman, Kristy Greenwalt, Danilo Pelletiere, Dena Hasan, K. Andrew DeSoto, Bill Egar, Peter Casey

The Lab @ DC

Office of the City Administrator

Executive Office of the Mayor



John A. Wilson Building

1350 Pennsylvania Avenue, NW

Washington DC 20004


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DC Flex Outreach Pre-Analysis Plan

This registration is a pre-analysis plan for the Outreach portion of the DC Flex program.

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DC Flex Program Pre-Analysis Plan

This registration is a pre-analysis plan for the DC Flex program.

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TheLabatDC, Greenwalt, Pelletiere & 6 more

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childreneconomic well-beingevictionfamilieshousing and neighborhoodshousing securityhousing stabilityparentspeople experiencing homelessnesssubsidies

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