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**#OPTIHEALTH** This project aims to analysis reaching movement in young healthy participants in control condition, and when holding a dumbbell. This project is linked to the following article: Preprint v1: ****. Preprint v2: ****. Final article: **Faity, G., Mottet, D., Pla, S. et al. The reserve of joint torque determines movement coordination. Sci Rep 11, 23008 (2021).** ######### The project is organized as follow : - License.txt : license to apply on total work. - DAT : contains data files organised by folders - 000-raw : contains raw data organised by folders - Vicon_HealthyLoaded : contains raw data files of the manip 'Vicon_HealthyLoaded'. - 001-cleaned : contains data cleaned organised by folders - 002-mergedBySession : contains data merged by Session - 003-summary : contains summary of the analysis of data in csv (PANU, hand velocity, angles range...) and png (postures, angles by time) organised by folders - all_csv : contains all csv summary organised by folders - all_csv_concat : contains all csv summary concatened in one csv by folder - 004-statistics : contains results of statistic analysis (tables, images and txt). - JASP : contains cross validation of statistics on JASP software - DOC : contains hand and trunk movement images organised by folders - SRC : contains source code organised by steps - step1-preprocessing : get raw data in and compute cleaned and mergedBYSession data. Source code : CheckPANU.sce. This step is lighly adaptated from Denis Mottet's work avalaible here : - : explains steps to follow to run code and technical details. - step2-analysis : get merged data and compute data summary and postures. Source code : Main.sce. - : explains steps to follow to run code and technical details. - step3-statistics : get data summary and compute statistics. Source code : Main.R. - : explains steps to follow to run code and technical details. - main.sce : main.sce run step1 and step2 automatically. Step3 still needs to be sourced. - : explains steps to follow to run code and technical details. - LICENSE : license to apply on code. ## The code is still being updated for further analyses, see ## Analysis conducted with SciLab 6.0.2 and R 3.6.1.
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