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New Education Policy Of India 2020  /

  1. Milind M. Ahire, Assist... Pune University, India
  2. Dr Bapu. S. Jagdale, Pr... iD 0000-0003-2419-7410

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Category: Communication

Description: ABSTRACT National Education Policy (NEP), since its introduction, received standpoints both positive and negative. The first question is, what is new in NEP? The response to the question is twofold. Are there new things introduced based on the feedback received on the earlier policy? Or is it just old wine in a new bottle? A thorough analysis of the guidelines and principles introduced would help one rationally respond to these questions. It might seem an overburdened analysis if one takes on the whole policy. A specific perspective would direct one to elaborate it systematically, one after the other. In this context, the present paper attempts to shed a critical look and reflect upon the NEP's guiding principles with specific reference to its impact on tribal education in Maharashtra. The other aspects of the policy are not within the scope of the present discussion. Keywords: NEP, Education, Tribal, Globalization, Equity


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