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New Education Policy Of India 2020  /

  1. Mazhar Shamsi Ansary, A...ata, West Bengal, India
  2. Dr Santosh Kumar Behera... iD 0000-0002-8257-8062

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Category: Communication

Description: ABSTRACT Our education system is not stuck into educating pupils, preferably day by day; it is now a very significant and precious matter to a trained teacher to better the entire education system. In India, teacher education's commencement happened since the Vedic period, but gradually comprising various pedagogy, theory, principles, etc., it becomes more constructive and essential. Free India organized several policies and commissions on teacher education, but in 1986, NPE laid more emphasis on it. After that, many teacher education frameworks have been done in a much more meaningful and fruitful way. But recently, the recommendations of NEP 2020 reached teacher education at another level. NEP tried to persuade us that for superiority and productive education, we have to train our teachers. And also tried to comprehend that it is an inseparable part of the education system. Through this paper, the authors are trying to focus on teacher education and NPE and NEP recommendations regarding teacher education. KEYWORDS: Pupils, Education, Teacher Education, Vedic period, pedagogy, NPE & NEP.


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