This OSF project houses the most recent versions of the Introduction to Open and Reproducible Research Workshop curriculum and supporting materials. This workshop is part of the [Reproducible Research Training](https://cos.io/stats_consulting/) offered through the Center for Open Science. [Additional materials](https://osf.io/adkj4/) are available online.
Check the wiki in each of these sections for extra information on how to use those material.
**[1. Workshop Planning][1]**
This component contains sample files and checklists for putting on a training on reproducible research practices and the OSF. The links to checklists in Google Forms can be found in the wiki.
**[2. Curriculum][2]**
These training materials on open and reproducible research methods and use of the Open Science Framework are freely available for credited use and adaptation. If you find them useful for running your own trainings we would also ask that you let us know so that we can document the total impact of these materials as part of our non-profit mission.
**[3. TTT Pilot][3]**
This section contains files used during our pilot Train-the-Trainer (TTT) event held in June 2017, in which COS staff trained and mentored new trainers on open and reproducible research methods and the OSF. Future train-the-trainer events are available as one of our [Reproducible Research Training](https://cos.io/stats_consulting/) offerings.
[1]: https://osf.io/rrtkw/
[2]: https://osf.io/48up3/
[3]: https://osf.io/smyp5/