This template is intended to guide researchers in the CO-RE lab to run confirmatory studies. Please use this template alongside the Research Milestones sheet.
Wiki: This is the workflow for running a **confirmatory study**. Be sure to follow the extra steps in the [Research Milestones Sheet][1] to pre-register your study prior to data collection. Follow these steps, using the existing components for organization:
- Fork the research template into a new project (for how to fork, see
- Rename your project.
- Add your co-authors on this page (in the order that they will likely appear on the paper)
We want all our data to be stored in the EU. In order to do so, go to the arrow next to your profile name in the upper right corner. Then go to "Settings" there. When you are in "Settings" go to "Account Settings". Put your "Default Storage Location" to "Frankfurt, Germany".
- Fill in the name of the project, the order of authors, and the link to your new OSF project page in the Research Milestones Sheet (RMS).
- Add information on Contributorship Roles using Tensing.
- Decide whether you will make the OSF page public at this time (the default initially is no, but in certain cases, it can be yes).
- Review the literature and write the review. Develop your hypothesis and post them on the OSF. (Link to page in RMS).
- Do your power calculation (NB: given the existing publication bias in the literature, we can likely not do a very reliable power calculation. The wisest approach is likely to take the smallest effect size of interest). (Link to completed power calculation in RMS).
- Complete your proposed methods and include all materials needed to run your study. Post on OSF (link to page in RMS).
- Write your syntax (SPSS, R, or other software program) and post on OSF (link to page in RMS). Preferably use simulated data to see if the code works.
- Complete your ethics application if needed (in consultation with the lab's PI).
- For Confirmatory Studies, you can choose one of two options: you can choose to independently pre-register your study or you can submit your study as a Registered Report. If you decide to submit the study as a Registered Report, you can choose one of the [journals][2] that accept Registered Reports or you can submit the paper to [PCI Registered Reports][3]. In the case of the Registered Report route, pre-registration can only be completed after Stage 1 acceptance with the journal.
- **Pre-register your study. By default, keep private unless otherwise decided (link to page in RMS). The first time you pre-register, you will do so together with the PI (but please review this [OSF tutorial][4] before meeting with him).**
- Before running study, double-check pre-registration. If you made a mistake before data collection, fork project and explain mistake (if so, link to fork in RMS. Pre-register project again).
- After data collection, de-identify data so that participants cannot be recognized. If page/data will be made public, verify deidentification with PI. (link to page in RMS)
- Post analytic code written after data collection (link to page in RMS).
- Ask an independent researcher to review the code.
- Report auxiliary/exploratory analyses.
- Do a Statcheck Report.
- Describe verbally on OSF which analyses were done separate from pre-registration (auxiliary/exploratory analyses; link to page in RMS).
- Let data, code, and OSF page be checked by an independent researcher. Researcher should be able to use script to go from raw data to final results, and verify numbers in manuscript. Researcher should also verify deidentification. The independent researcher should be added to the OSF page and as second to last co-author on paper. Indicate completion on the RMS.
Run your manuscript through a Plagiarism Checker (via our Grammarly account).
- Post your completed RMS to the OSF page.
- Post paper to a pre-print server after submitting paper to a journal (preferably PsyArxiv, so you can directly link to this project page).