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Open Science in Phytolith Research
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Category: Project
Description: Assessment of open science practices in phytolith research through an article review
Project to assess the state of open science practices in phytolith research. This project has created a dataset by identifying articles with primary phytolith data from 16 prominent archaeological and palaeoecological journals in a 10 year period (2009-2018). The same journals and time period were used as the study by Lodwick (2019) so that the state of open science practices in phytolith research…
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Talk at the AEA autumn webinar series - 15th September 2020 - Open environmental archaeology means sustainable environmental archaeology.
Talk for the AEA webinar series in autumn 2020 about sustainability in environmental archaeology
Palaeopercs talk 24th November 2020 - Open Science in Phytolith research
Presentation about my open science in phytolith project to Palaeopercs early career researchers webinar.
Research compendium for Assessing open science practices in phytolith research 2021
Research compendium for this project
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