The materials in this Project include the data, test materials, stimuli and norms from a set of experiments in Turoman, N., Velasco, C., Chen, Y. C., Huang, P.C., & Spence, C. S. (2017). Symmetry and its Role in the Crossmodal Correspondence between Shape and Taste. Attention, Perception and Psychophysics, in press.
The collection includes the full set of 24 shapes varying in contour and symmetry. They are located in the folder 'Shape stimuli and code', subfolder 'Shapes and parameters'. Each shape is named by its constituent parameters, which you can see in more detail in the file Shape_parameters.pdf in the same folder.
With these materials you can replicate/check our existing analysis, do your own exploratory analysis to test a different hypothesis, use only the shape code to ceate shapes for a different paradigm.
This Project was supported by AHRC Rethinking the Senses grant (AH/L007053/1) to YCC and CS.