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  1. Daniel Lalande
  2. Jérémie Verner-Filion
  3. Željka Kamenov
  4. Antonio Pierro
  5. Gennaro Pica
  6. Adil Samekin
  7. Kamila Kovyazina
  8. Edona Berisha Kida
  9. Vjollca Ahmedi
  10. Jamilah H. B. Abdul Khaiyom
  11. Ben Gützkow
  12. Samiah Sultana
  13. Idris Mohammed
  14. Hayat Muhammad
  15. Ding-Yu Jiang
  16. Phatthanakit Chobthamkit
  17. Yousif Al Kindi
  18. Arie Kruglanski
  19. Sima Basel

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Category: Project

Description: As part of the PsyCorona initiative ( we provide here the survey codebook as well as translations into 30 languages. The Pdf folder contains Pdfs of each wave in English. The excel sheet contains the translations into 30 languages.

License: CC-By Attribution 4.0 International


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