Master data files analyzed for the manuscripts associated with this OSF site.
Tune titles and voice identities have been de-identified to protect the participating families' confidentiality.
Column names for each file are explained in ColumnKeys_MusicMasterData.xlsx
**Music bouts**
One row per non-goof music bout across all 35 recordings. Lists features, voices, tunes, & duration for each bout.
**Music per second**
One row per second starting at midnight and ending 36-hours later for each recording (129,600 seconds per recording). Lists if music occurred in each second, and the associated features, voices, and tunes for each second coded as music.
**Excerpted goof bouts**
Lists the small number (n=18) of music bouts judged not to contain any musical sounds by the features-voices-tunes coder. One row per "goof" bout across all 35 recordings.