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Affiliated institutions:
Arizona State University
Date created: 2019-06-27 09:06 PM | Last Updated: 2023-06-24 08:21 PM
Category: Project
Description: Archival site for the Databases for Many Majors project
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IntroDB: Introduction to Relational Databases
IntroDB is the first visualization for the Databases for Many Majors project, introducing students to relational databases and how they differ from sp...
QueryDB: Introduction to Querying
The QueryDB visualization introduces students to fundamental operations needed to retrieve data from a relational database, including an overview of t...
DesignDB: Conceptual Database Design
The DesignDB visualization provides students with the knowledge to design a database, including the representation of database concepts and associatio...
CreateDB: Creating a Relational Database
CreateDB is a visualization tool designed to help instructors create a customized relational database, which adheres to the requirements necessary for...
Customization Impact Study
Customization Impact Study: Questions and Raw Data
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