This page contains data collected at the University of Oregon for a project on indivdual differences in working memory capacity, working memory precision, attentional control, secondary memory, and fluid intelligence.
Publications associated with these data:
* Unsworth, N., Fukuda, K., Awh, E., & Vogel, E. K. (2014). Working memory and fluid intelligence: Capacity, attention control, and secondary memory retrieval. Cognitive Psychology, 71, 1–26.
* Unsworth, N., Fukuda, K., Awh, E., & Vogel, E. K. (2015). Working Memory Delay Activity Predicts Individual Differences in Cognitive Abilities. Journal of Cognitive Neuroscience, 27(5), 853–865. [][2]
So far, we have posted data from the **continuous-recall visual working memory tasks** from this project.
These tasks include:
* Color recall
* Orientation recall
* Motion recall
* Shape recall
* Space recall
[Click here for task descriptions][3]
To begin using these data, please begin with the document titled **OVERVIEW** in the main project folder.