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This project contains experimental resources for: - Mathôt, S., Sundermann, L., & Van Rijn, H. (in prep.). The effect of semantic brightness on pupil size: A visual and auditory replication with Dutch words. ## About In these experiments, participants saw (visual) or heard (auditory) Dutch words. Their task was to press the spacebar when the word was an animal name, and to do nothing otherwise. In addition to animal names, there were three word categories: brightness-related words (e.g. 'sun'), darkness-related words (e.g. 'night'), and control words (e.g. 'house'). The hypothesis is that the pupil should be bigger after seeing or hearing darkness-related words compared to brightness-related words. ## Project structure - The `analysis` folder contains participant data, an analysis IPython notebook, and several [JASP]( files. - The `experiment` folder contains the experiment scripts in [OpenSesame]( (`.osexp`) format. - The `manuscript` folder contains the manuscript
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