We have included here all data included within the analyses of the published manuscript, "**The developmental origins of moral concern: An examination of moral boundary decision making throughout childhood**", published in PLOSOne.
These include three spreadsheets covering three sets of data, and a word document detailing a breakdown of the data variables.These are detailed below:
**The Standard Format Dataset**: This data set contains all demographic and descriptive variables for the main analysis. All variables are clearly labeled within the datasheet.
**Apriori Datasets** - This dataset contains all demographic and descriptive variables required for the apriori analysis including our original categorical variable level of care – 1 – don’t care, 2 – care a little, 3- care a lot .
**Posthoc Datasets** - This dataset contains all demographic and descriptive variables required for the posthoc analysis following the recategorising of our dependent variable into a binary level of care – 0 – don’t care, 1 – care at least a little.