Dear reader,
This OSF folder contains the R codes and data associated with the following publication:
**Exploring the Influence of Artistic Urban Interventions on Attraction and Wellbeing: An Empirical Field Experiment**
Margot Dehove*, Jan Mikuni, Nikita Podolin, Martin Moser, Bernd Resch, Linda Doerrzapf, Pia Marlena Boehm, Katharina Prager, Helmut Leder, Elisabeth Oberzaucher
**Submitted to**: Frontiers in Psychology (under review)
**For inquiries**: Margot Dehove (
**Licence for the project**: CC BY-NC-ND 4.0
**Full name of the Licence**: Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivatives 4.0 International.
**Explanation**: If you use any of the materials present in this project, you need to cite the authors. This licence allows you copy and distribute the materials present in this project for noncommercial purposes only. However, you can not adapt the content of this project.
**For the R code**: Authors allow consultation and feedback on the code. However, modifications leading to re-publishing should be agreed with the authors.
This OSF folder has:
- A Rproj file ("UrbanArtandGreen.Rproj"), which is essential to keep as it encapsulates all project-related files (ease the sharing process) and automatically sets the working directory to the project directory.
- three R codes ("1_Pre_Processing_EyeTrack.Rmd", "2_Pre_Processing_Physio.Rmd" and "3_Merge_All_And_Analysis.Rmd")
- three folder containing data ("0_Raw_data", "1_ResultsFromPreProcessings" and "2_ResultsFromAnalysis")
- A set of folders (independent from the data analysis) containing images of the streets and street interventions (stored in the component called "Pictures_UrbanEnvironment_And_Parklets"). Note that the component has its own wiki.
The following lines will explain how to use the R codes and data. This explanation respects the chronological order for a correct usage. All paths (i.e., working directories and storage of figures and .csv) should be relative. If not, please adapt them to where you stored the downloaded OSF folder. Note that some R packages might not work with certain versions of R. Also, note that we used different names for the two streets in the written manuscript and in the R code (Green-Street (Maria-Tusch-Strasse) in the manuscript is also called See, for Seestadt, in R code).
**STEP 1: Pre-processings**
**1) "1_Pre_Processing_EyeTrack.Rmd"**
R Markdown code to pre-process the data exported from the iMotions software (more information: Note the iMotions software was use to do the primary analysis of the eye-tracking data (see manuscript and supplementary material for more information). Most of the pre-pocessing steps presented in this code are data cleaning steps (preparation for further data/statistical analyses).
**Input files:**
- Eye tracking annotation files (15 files in total): Stored in the folder 0_Raw_data > Eye.
- Eye tracking AOI metrics files (15 files in total): Stored in the folder 0_Raw_data > Eye.
**Output files:**
- "1_Annotations_Final.csv": Long format file containing information about for how long (column Sum_Duration in the .csv) participants did a behaviour or saw a specific element (column Marker_Name in the .csv).
- "2_AOIs_Final.csv": Wide format file containing information about the dwell time on the AOI (the Graetzloase).
The two output .csv files are stored in the folder "1_ResultsFromPreProcessings".
**2) "2_Pre_Processing_Physio.Rmd"**
R Markdown code to pre-process the data exported from the Moser et al. (2023) algorithm (see manuscript and supplementary material for more information). Most of the pre-pocessing steps presented in this code are data cleaning steps (prepartion for further data/statistical analyses).
**Input file:**
"MOS_Moser2023.csv": Stored in the folder 0_Raw_data > Physio.
**Output file:**
"3_PhysioDataEXP_Final_Moser.csv": Long format file containing information about the moments during the experiment when the participants felt stress.
The output .csv files is stored in the folder "1_ResultsFromPreProcessings".
**STEP 2: Analyses**
R Markdown code which, first, merges all the data from the different sources, and then performs the statistical analyses answering the manuscript's research questions. It also contains descriptive statistic assessments and assumption checks for the inferential statistics.
**Input files:**
- "Demograph_pre_all.csv": Participant demographical information. Stored in the folder 0_Raw_data > Questionnaires.
- "Questions_about_OaseAndEnviron_all.csv": Part of the participant's subjective evaluations - participant evaluation of the Graetzloase and Urban environment. Stored in the folder 0_Raw_data > Questionnaires.
- "PRS_post.csv": Part of the participant's subjective evaluations - participant evaluation of the restorativeness of the Urban environment. Stored in the folder 0_Raw_data > Questionnaires.
- "1_Annotations_Final.csv": From pre-processing step. Stored in 1_ResultsFromPreProcessings.
- "2_AOIs_Final.csv": From pre-processing step. Stored in 1_ResultsFromPreProcessings.
- "ForTheTimeOfWalk.csv": File that is necessary to the computation of the ratio value for the eye-tracking pre-processed data. Stored in 1_ResultsFromPreProcessings.
- "3_PhysioDataEXP_Final_Moser.csv": From pre-processing step. Stored in 1_ResultsFromPreProcessings.
**Output files:**
- "1_Descriptives_MainDVs.png": First overview of the data. Stored in 2_ResultsFromAnalysis > BLOCK1_PlotToSeeToWhatTheDataLookLike.
- "2_Descriptives_EyeTrackingVariables_UrbanEnvironment.png": First overview of the data. Stored in 2_ResultsFromAnalysis > BLOCK1_PlotToSeeToWhatTheDataLookLike.
- "3_Descriptives_SubjectiveEvaluations.png": First overview of the data. Stored in 2_ResultsFromAnalysis > BLOCK1_PlotToSeeToWhatTheDataLookLike.
- "1_Figure5A_MOS": Main result. Reported in figure 5A of the manuscript. Stored in 2_ResultsFromAnalysis > BLOCK2_FinalFig.
- "2_Figure5B_Oase.png": Main result. Reported in figure 5B of the manuscript. Stored in 2_ResultsFromAnalysis > BLOCK2_FinalFig.
- "3_Figure5C_EnterOase.png": Main result. Reported in figure 5C of the manuscript. Stored in 2_ResultsFromAnalysis > BLOCK2_FinalFig.
- "4_Figure5D_DwellTime.png": Main result. Reported in figure 5D of the manuscript. Stored in 2_ResultsFromAnalysis > BLOCK2_FinalFig.
- "ScreenShot_20.03.24_Moser.PNG": Main result. Reported in figure 4 of the manuscript. NOTE that this file is a screenshot bacause we were not able to store it automaticaly as .png. Stored in 2_ResultsFromAnalysis > BLOCK3_ExploratoryAnalyses.
For more information, see the component's wiki.
If you have any questions or comments, you can contact me at:
Best wishes,
Margot Dehove