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Understanding functional brain reorganisation for naturalistic piano playing in novice pianists
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Category: Project
Description: Mastering the piano is an exceptional and intricate undertaking that necessitates the harmonious collaboration of multiple brain regions. The changes in brain activation associated with this process are still not well understood. Using functional MRI, we showed that playing the piano activated regions of the brain associated with movement and auditory processing. However, as the novice pianists progressed through their training, the activation of other brain areas, involved in memory retrieval, auditory-motor integration, or the processing of musical syntax, was gradually reduced. Our findings suggest that musical training is an optimisation process, with higher-order cognitive networks being activated more strongly at the beginning and their activity decreasing with increased proficiency. Now published as: Olszewska, Alicja M., et al. "Understanding functional brain reorganization for naturalistic piano playing in novice pianists." Journal of Neuroscience Research 102.2 (2024): e25312.