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Centre for Musculoskeletal Outcomes Research  /

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Category: Project

Description: This programme of research of four linked multi-disciplinary projects looks at ways to deliver the best value for money and equity in managing osteoarthritis in the New Zealand public healthcare system, from prevention through to joint replacement surgery


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Discrete Event Simulation modelling

Discrete Event Simulation modelling to investigate the allocative efficiency of intervention delivery across the disease course of OA

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Risks, Impacts, Equity and Cost-Effectiveness

Health economic and epidemiological analysis of the impacts, equity, and cost-effectiveness of interventions for the management of osteoarthritis

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He Oranga mō te whanau

A randomised clinical trial of an exercise and lifestyle intervention to improve outcomes for people with hip and knee OA and co-morbidities

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A mātauranga approach to access, resourcing, and outcomes for Māori with OA

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