Before the data collection started, we had made a couple of minor changes in materials from the original registration of the project.
1. We changed the speed of the running text which turned out to be too slow for comfortable reading. We use 65 ms per letter and 350 ms after each line after the change (instead of 80 ms per letter and 500 ms after a line).
2. The running text will stay at place after being displayed instead of disappearing after each line.
3. We included full wording of the materials as well as the program we will use for running the study in the Materials node. Some of the wording is slightly different from the pre-registered original version. We tried to follow the original registered version of the materials closely during the translation in Czech. However, in cases where the result would be cumbersome, we changed the original wording slightly.
4. We slightly changed the analysis procedure. Now, the multilevel logistic regression does not include a random varying slope for the effect of the manipulation for participants. It would obscure meaningful difference in the effect of interest due to the experimental manipulation (participants’ condition).
5. We added some additional details.