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Page-Gould Teaching Materials /
PSY2002: Advanced Statistics
Date created: 2018-09-02 04:28 PM | Last Updated: 2021-02-05 03:28 PM
Identifier: DOI 10.17605/OSF.IO/Q6WND
Category: Other
Description: This project contains 2021 course materials for Elizabeth Page-Gould's graduate class, Design of Experiments II: Advanced Statistics (PSY2002), at the University of Toronto. It will be updated each week during the Winter Semester of 2021, while Liz is actively teaching the course. You are welcome to reuse, redistribute, and remix any of these course materials as long as you attribute the source of the slides to Elizabeth Page-Gould and *share alike.* See the "Registrations" tab for snapshots of past semester versions of the course.
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