This component contains the PsychoPy2 scripts for all six experiments.
Experiments 1 to 4 were pilots, so they will not be commented.
Experiment 5 allows to test whether serial dependence is present for visual perception of *hue*. There are 504 trials, divided in 8 blocks of 63 trials each. The range of the differences between two stimulus values in a row is between 5 and -5. The matlab script used to generate trial values is available in the Trial values component. Tables with the values used for each participant are available in the same component.
Experiment 6 allows to test whether serial dependence is present for visual perception of *luminosity*. It is identical to experiment 5 with the only difference that hue values are maintained constant and within each color condition (red, green, yellow, blue) the only parameter which varies is the luminosity of stimuli.