The influence of closeness centrality, a network science metric that
measures a node’s “importance” in the network (Borgatti, 2005), on visual
word recognition was investigated. Closeness centrality represents the
inverse of the average number of links that must be traversed from one word
to all other words in the orthographic language network—a web-like
representation of orthographic word-forms in the mental lexicon where links
are placed between orthographic neighbors. Words with high closeness
centralities are “close” to other words in the lexicon. Regression analyses
of behavioral data from the English Lexicon Project (Balota et al., 2007)
revealed that closeness centrality was a significant predictor of speeded
naming and lexical decision performance. High closeness centrality words
were processed more slowly and less accurately than low closeness
centrality words in the naming task, whereas high closeness centrality
words were processed more quickly than low closeness centrality words in
lexical decision. The present findings demonstrate that the network
structure of the orthographic mental lexicon influences visual word
recognition performance and have important implications for models of
visual word recognition.