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Category: Project

Description: ARTEM-IS is a template designed to make reporting EEG methodology easier and more accurate, by providing specific fields for specific details. We believe the community of expert practitioners can create a more powerful, and more effective tool by working together. This archive includes the ARTEM-IS Statement about the value of a community-agreed tool, a draft template for community consultation, and an archive of documents arising from public events. View the Statement online and become a signatory: Read more in our paper:

ARTEM-IS: Agreed Reporting Template for EEG Methodology - International Standard | Discussion


Community Consultation/Collaboration Events:


Watch this space for new opportunities to get involved or find out about our work.


18 October 2023 | CuttingGardens Conference

Plenary lecture

Agreed Reporting Template for EEG Methodology - International Standard

Anđela Šoškić

Conference info:

14 September 2023 | Methods in Mobile EEG Conference



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ARTEM-IS Statement

ARTEM-IS is a template designed to make reporting EEG/ERP methodology easier and more accurate, by providing specific fields for specific details. We ...

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ARTEM-IS for ERP - Draft for consultation at LiveMEEG 2020

ARTEM-IS is a template designed to make reporting EEG/ERP methodology easier and more accurate, by providing specific fields for specific details. We ...

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ARTEM-IS Presentations, Workshops and Meetings

ARTEM-IS is a template designed to make reporting EEG/ERP methodology easier and more accurate, by providing specific fields for specific details. We ...

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ARTEM-IS Web App OHBM Brainhack 2021

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ARTEM-IS BrainHack Global 2021: web-app and terminology lexicon

For this hackathon, we will be working on two fronts. First goal is to fix some of the existing bugs in the web-app template (list of issues: https:/...

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Given that the choices made during recording, preprocessing and analysis of event-related potentials (ERP) data can affect study outcomes, it is criti...

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ARTEM-IS lexicon

ARTEM-IS lexicon is a work in progress to create a vocabulary of EEG terms used in ARTEM-IS templates, which will serve as an accompanying tool to the...

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