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  1. Dasia Aldarondo
  2. Hannah Fox
  3. Archippe Mbembo
  4. Megha Anand
  5. Marissa McAfee
  6. Jacob Bauldock
Affiliated institutions: Carnegie Mellon University

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The purpose of this scoping review is to utilize data taken from studies implementing nanomedicine for cancer treatment and diagnosis and determine how these formulations modulate tumor-associated macrophage polarization. We aim to determine if there is an identifiable relationship between nanoparticle characterization (i.e. type, size, shape charge, cargo) and their ability to modulate macrophage…


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biologybiomedical engineeringcancercancer therapeuticsevidence synthesisimmunotherapymacrophagenanomedicinenanoparticlesscoping reviewtumor microenvironment

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