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**Background:** For some time now, research funding organizations (RFOs), publishers, as well as scientists themselves have been calling for a reform in the evaluation of research performance and research success in research performing organizations (RPOs) and universities. On the way to this, however, various values and principles have yet to be defined and, along with them, concrete measures for implementation in the different areas of research assessment and the respective reward and incentive structures such as appointments, allocation of project funding or other awards) **Aim:** The aim of the project is to establish an evidence-based foundation for the formulation of quality- and innovation-oriented principles of Good Evaluation Practice for the different areas and levels of research assessment at the Berlin Institute of Health (BIH) and Charité Universitaetsmedizin Berlin. **Approach:** The project focuses on the following activities: **1) Documentanalysis** of the literature, (inter-)national recommendations, recommendations of major science organizations, or internal documents. **2) Active participation in several major initiatives** such as the EU-wide coalition Advancing Research Assessment and the Research Assessment Reform of the European University Alliance, the UNESCO initiative Recommendations on Open Science, or the working group Responsible Research Indicators of the European University Hospital Alliance (EUHA). **3) Active involvement of stakeholders** at BIH and Charité. **4) The results** of this project are an important **basis for the various local implementation projects** from the field of I&I. At the same time, experiences and results from the implementation projects will be included here. **Perspective/results:** Formulation of principles of good evaluation practice in research agreed upon with the actors at BIH and Charité and their implementation in the various institutional areas of research evaluation. Early and forward-looking preparation of the institutions and their scientists with regard to international and national requirements and recommendations of important funding bodies. Contribution to international competitiveness.
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