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Global Adaptation Mapping Initiative
- Lea Berrang-Ford
- Neal Robert Haddaway
- Max Callaghan
- Paige Fischer
- Alex Lesnikowski
- Katharine Mach
- Alexandre Magnan
- Matthias Garschagen
- Adelle Thomas
- Diana Reckien
- Mark New
- Erin Coughlan de Perez
- Robbert Biesbroek
- Sherilee Harper
- Chandni Singh
- Jan Minx
- Shuaib Lwasa
- Mike Morecroft
- James Ford
- Maarten van Aalst
- Elisabeth Gilmore
- Susan Elliott
- Ivan Villaverde Canosa
- Miriam Nielsen
- Garry Sotnik
- Philip Antwi-Agyei
- Edmond Totin
- Nick Simpson
- Souha Ouni
- Eranga Galappaththi
- Carol Zavaleta
- AJ Hudson
- Carolyn Enquist
- Vanesa Chalastani
- Donovan Campbell
- Stephanie Barr
- Chidi Ofoegbu
- AR Siders
- Raquel Ruiz Diaz
- Eunice Adeoti Salubi
- Thelma Zulfawu Abu
- Delphine Deryng
- Rachel Bezner Kerr
- Emily Baker
- Malcolm Araos
- Deepal Doshi
- Kripa Jagannathan
- Katie Browne
- Alexandra Lesnikowski
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Category: Project
Description: An international collaborative initiative to systematically map and review human adaptation responses to climate-related changes that have been documented globally since 2013 in the scientific and grey literature.
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