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Description: The results of preliminary studies indicated that economic problems could be a pressure that was considered very difficult for married couples at various stages of family development. Families with children aged 7-12 years had many challenges, were prone to divorce, and had low marital satisfaction (Duvall & Miller, 1985; Feeney et al., 1994; Hirschberger et al., 2009; McGoldrick et al., 2016; Vaillant & Vaillant, 1993). Various studies showed a relationship between financial stress and marital conflict or marital satisfaction (e.g in Conger et al., 1999; French & Vigne, 2018; Grable, 2017 in Santini et al., 2021) and its correlation with dyadic coping, e.g. dyadic coping could relieve stress in marriage, dyadic coping was correlated with relationship quality and marital satisfaction (e.g Bodenmann, 2005; Falconier et al., 2015). Other studies have indicated the multiple roles of dyadic coping in stress and marital satisfaction (e.g Falconier, 2014; Karademas & Roussi, 2016). For example, dyadic coping mediates the relationship between stress and quality of life (e.g in Donato et al., 2021; Häusler et al., 2016), as well as the relationship between marital satisfaction and individual well-being (e.g Badr & Acitelli, 2017; Facchin et al., 2021). Those various studies encouraged the researchers to examine in depth the relationship between variables of dyadic coping, financial strain, marital satisfaction, and quality of life, in married couples with the eldest child aged 7-12 years.


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