Main content
- Leslie McIntosh
- Anthony Juehne
- Cynthia Hudson Vitale
- Xiaoyan Liu
- Rosalia Alcoser
- J. Christian Lukas
- Bradley Evanoff
Date created: 2017-03-23 01:55 PM | Last Updated: 2018-08-11 09:26 PM
Identifier: DOI 10.17605/OSF.IO/PPNWA
Category: Project
Description: RepeAT includes 103 unique variables grouped into five categories (research design and aim, database and data collection methods, data mining and data cleaning, data analysis, data sharing and documentation). Preliminary results in manually processing 40 scientific manuscripts indicate components of the proposed framework with strong inter-rater reliability, as well as directions for further research and refinement of RepeAT.
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