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From brain waves to memory boost: Memory enhancement by personalized frequency-modulated noninvasive brain stimulation (MEMORYST) /
Object Location Associative Memory Tasks
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Category: Methods and Measures
Description: Object Location Associative Memory Tasks assess spatial associative memory i.e., the ability to remember where a certain object was located. In this task participants should remember where on the 16-field grid (4x4 matrix) a picture of a certain animal was shown. Tasks are developed in OpenSesame and have 4 parallel forms which makes them suitable for within-subject experiments with up to 4 repeated measures (e.g., assessing the effects of different treatments or brain stimulation conditions). Tasks were developed for usage in young adult healthy populations. Tasks are piloted and are shown to be parallel. Tasks are originally developed and piloted in Serbian language but the task itself contains no verbal material except the instructions and therefore should not behave differently in other languages. User manual and English version of the instructions are provided by the authors.