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The Virtual Learning Lab
Date created: 2021-01-30 03:14 AM | Last Updated: 2022-07-20 06:45 PM
Identifier: DOI 10.17605/OSF.IO/PHR4W
Category: Project
Description: The Virtual Learning Lab (VLL) is a research collaboration exploring the potential for precision education to revolutionize teaching and learning. The team approaches programming for online educational environments in new and innovative ways, with the ultimate goal of improving achievement for all students. To learn more about the Virtual Learning Lab Projects, email
The Virtual Learning Lab (VLL) is a research collaboration exploring the potential for precision education to revolutionize teaching and learning. The team approaches programming for online educational environments in new and innovative ways, with the ultimate goal of improving achievement for all students.
The research reported here was supported by the Institute of Education Sciences, U.S. Depa…
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Resources for article: Leite, W. L., Xing, W., Fish, G., & Li, C. (in press) Teacher Strategies to Use Virtual Learning Environments to Facilitate Algebra Learning During School Closures. Journal of Research on Technology in Education
This includes the survey and code for the paper "Teacher Strategies to Use Virtual Learning Environments to Facilitate Algebra Learning During School ...
Resources for article: Leite, W. L., Hatch, A. D., Kuang, H., Cavanaugh, C., & Xing, W. (2023). How teachers influence student adoption and effectiveness of a recommendation system for Algebra. Learning at Scale Conference (L@2023). Copenhagen, Denmark.
This study examined the relationships between teacher characteristics and practices and student adoption and learning gains with a video recommendatio...
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