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Description: Prediction error (PE) occurs when a prediction is violated by subsequent experience, and this leads to new learning to improve predictions in the future. In detail, episodic memory processes help us to store different events that can be used to construct context-free knowledge whereas semantic memory processes store this context-free knowledge and that can influence new learning. The present study aims to investigate the relationship between PE and episodic memory processes. With this aim, during the first phase of the study, participants will learn sequentially presented sound-picture associations whereby sound categories predict the paired picture categories to different levels. After one-night sleep, they will be expected to encode object-level category associations. At a later recognition test, participants will be asked to do old/new judgments based on pictures and confidence ratings, and to retrieve the associated sound as well. By means of this procedure, we are expecting that highly predicted picture categories will presumably lead to low PE, while moderately or hardly predicted categories will lead to medium or high PE, respectively.


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