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Florida State University Open Education Symposium
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Description: Florida State University hosted a one-day Open Education Symposium on March 8th, 2018. The purpose of the symposium was to raise awareness about Open Educational Resources (OER) and their potential to support student success by reducing textbook costs and creating opportunities for open, learner-centered pedagogy. David Wiley, Chief Academic Officer of Lumen Learning, delivered the opening keynote presentation, which was followed by invited presentations from faculty and students in addition to collaborative breakout sessions. Recordings of all of the presentations are available here: To document the symposium and facilitate the planning and promotion of similar events at other institutions, the symposium organizers have made all outputs and planning materials publicly available in this OSF project. To encourage broad reuse, most of the files shared in this OSF project are made available under a CC BY 4.0 license or a CC0 1.0 public domain dedication. Please check the license information for the relevant project component to determine which license applies to specific files you wish to reuse.
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